Florida Gators Baseball Pot Roasts

We started making pot roasts during the Gainesville Regionals when we had to beat UConn and then Texas Tech twice… our pot roasts haven’t disappointed since!

๐ŸŽถ Our roasts are internationally known – and they’re known to rock the microphone ๐ŸŽค

From the 3100 miles between Calgary to Costa Rica our pot roasts power the Gators! (sorry, Gatorade)

Whether you go Dutch oven or slow cooker, send in pics of your culinary masterpieces to potroasts@warren-g.com – it’s good mojo for our Gators in the College World Series, and who knows – you might be featured right here โฌ‡๏ธ

Thanks for the support Liz, Wendy, #LOTYGang (Kam, Krystin, & Ryan), Loree, Ilona, Don, Jen, Mackman, Sydney, & Kyle!

16 thoughts on “Florida Gators Baseball Pot Roasts

  1. Thank you Warren!! Can’t wait to make some pot roasts and gravy shots for the Steelers games.

  2. Wednesday game is at 2pm. I need to take my gravy shot to go for the first 5 innings.

    Also we are creating some plastic pot roast potatoes to throw on the field for future seasons

  3. My Daughter Diana asked whatโ€™s for dinner the other day before the Virginia game. I said pot roast. She said why pot roast again dad. I said two words โ€œThe Gatorsโ€ – No other explanation was needed!!! She smiled and went on her way.

  4. really just here for the first part, the maybe soak up a lil roast. also, night shades are not good for sports injuries. ๐Ÿ™‚

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