Thursday, February 15, 2024, is the University of Florida’s annual fundraising event, Gator Nation Giving Day. Since our first Giving Day five years ago, Gators have made over 80,000 gifts, many of them for just $1 to $5. But amazing things happen when we pull together at UF! Thanks to those gifts, Gators have provided over 2000 full scholarships for first-generation students. And that’s just one example of all of the good that comes out of Giving Day.
UF’s growing stature can be directly linked to Giving Day, so let’s help retain our spot as the #1 Public University (Wall Street Journal). Let’s continue to show the world what thousands of friends can do when we pull together to support higher education and all of the good that comes from our far-reaching and life-changing work.
Any donation – even $1 – helps support the University, its causes and efforts, and helps solidify its commitment to enriching the future of our world.
If you can, please help support my alma mater by donating by Thursday, February 15th:
Thank you, and Go Gators!! 🐊